Wet Rot

More common than dry rot, wet rot is caused by a fungus called Coniophora puteana, aka the ‘cellar fungus’. This type of fungus is only attracted to very damp wood or plaster and unlike dry rot, remains confined to the wet area only. It’s generally deemed less destructive than dry rot but serious cases can prove hazardous to a building’s structure.

What are the symptoms of wet rot?

Wood with wet rot has a typically soft and spongy feel and often looks darker than surrounding healthy wood. If the wood is painted it can mask the decay and appear quite healthy; it’s only by poking with a screwdriver you’ll discover if it’s affected. On walls the fungus manifests with brown/black strands in a fern-like pattern.

Help with Wet Rot

Bell Street Preservation are specialists in Wet Rot covering Scotland’s Central Belt and will be happy to do a survey on your property.

Our Wet Rot treatment is guaranteed for 30 years.

Please call or submit our Survey Request form.